Sunday, December 9, 2012

Photo Favorites 2012

Well, 2012 is almost come to a close. It's been a fantastic and eventful year for me, with travel through Mexico, China, as well as several parts of the US. I'm eager to see what's in store for me in this coming year, and if you get the chance, check out my fundraising campaign to send me to Cambodia this summer! In no particular order, here are my personal favorite photos from 2012:
"Changing China" The Canton Tower at night in Guangzhou.

"Old St. Paul's" The Cathedral of St. Paul, MN

"When the hurlyburly's done, when the battle's lost and won."-Macbeth

"That Starlit Beacon" the Pigeon Point Lighthouse at night

"Fading Act" a man in Guangzhou demonstrates the disappearing art of Cantonese Finger Painting
"Temple Park" A man paints with water outside the Temple of Heaven in Beijing

"Peking's Secret" A maintenance bicycle parked in Beijing's Temple of Heaven

"Will You Help Them?" A girl at an orphanage in Northern Mexico
My "Wall Project" Check back a few posts to read all about it!